I’ve played around with mind maps for decades, but only recently did I think of mixing them with art.
As a first step, I mind-mapped what I consider my life purpose based on the reading and introspection I’ve been doing for about three years. Here’s what I came up with.
These are some themes that revealed themselves as I mind-mapped. I love…
- Learning via books, note cards (Zettels), and journaling.
- Making art by making new connections between old concepts (e.g., mind mapping and mural making).
- Sprinting. I.e., making progress in short high-intensity bursts: Work, rest, and iterate.
- Sharing. To attract other like-hearted people so we (as a group) can grow.
Putting all this together, I realised that I’m an artist at heart—although this art doesn’t involve painting or sculpting. Rather, it’s about finding connections between ideas and concepts I come across and using them to create something. Austin Kleon introduces this concept in his book Steal Like An Artist. Testing all this is important